Since the beginning of this adventure called « blogging about what I don’t know yet », I did not think that real people might actually be interested in what I have to say. It was more of a way to exorcise my internal pain and learn to put words on How I feel. An e-journal that is published online but still not interesting enough to be read by others. To be honest, it always felt like if others were going through so much more than I did and here is where the idea that what I say may not mean a lot, comes from. That was until I was given the opportunity to write my first guest post as a blogger! In other words, someone (a very interesting person), out there, was actually interested in what I say and how I say it.
This person, regarding the fact that she is a married and proud Mom of four, a genuine writer and blogger, a Fibro fighter who made it her mission to replace the « you don’t look sick » mantra with knowledge and compassion (using her own words) ; who still found the time to read my lines and give me valuable feedback about my writing. She offered me support and a big rush of motivation as well as the opportunity to share my experience not only on my blog that she encouraged me to pursue, but also on hers that is honestly; a brilliant mix of creativity, truth and hard work.

Therefore I decided to write just the article that I needed to write. Especially after having revealed that I didn’t get much support and help from my surroundings and that my condition is kind of « taboo » ; I am so grateful to have an understanding and loving husband and the World Wide Web to help me get through it !
Here is the link to the lucky article that found its place in a safe haven: Can we find closure in the WWW?
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